This article will show you everything you need to know to use PowerShell to programmatically setup Windows services and IIS applications on a new machine. It's aimed at complete beginners and is as concise as possible.
I wrote the script discussed in this article to completely automate the configuration of our virtual machines. Whenever a new environment is created for testing or deployment all that needs to be done is to run a script, rather than install and configure everything manually. Why PowerShell? Because it's the Microsoft standard tool for system administration.
Google the latest version of the Windows Management Framework, download and install it. Version 4 of PowerShell is the latest at the time of writing.
WARNING Some of the modules available in PowerShell depend on the version of Windows you have, not the version of PowerShell. If you find a function you are trying to use just isn't working check in the MSDN documentation to see if its module is in your version of Windows.
The ISE is a useful text editor for your scripts and can run them too.
- Ctrl 1 to Ctrl 3 change the arrangement of the script and console windows
WARNING The ISE does not clear the PowerShell session whenever you click run. If you make a change to a script used by another script the change won't be used. This is because all the functions have already been defined in the session. Instead you have to use only one file, or restart the ISE.
Start a PowerShell command window and run the following command Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned
This will allow you to run scripts in the current folder by typing ./MyScript.ps1
Let's look at a basic script
This script configures a machine.
# The line below ensures we have correct version, it is not just a comment
#requires -Version 3.0
#region Settings
$folders = @(
[pscustomobject] @{name="Books"; file = "C:\temp\Books"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
[pscustomobject] @{name="Sound"; file = "C:\temp\Sound"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
Write-Host "Starting program"
foreach ($item in $folders)
Write-Host $item.file
Let's put the configuration arrays in a separate file so we can edit them separately later. Make a new script called Configuration.ps1 and add these lines:
$version = 1
$folders = @(
pscustomobject @{name="Books"; file = "C:\temp\Books"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
pscustomobject @{name="Sound"; file = "C:\temp\Sound"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
$windowsServices = @(
pscustomobject @{name="Monitoring Service"; file = "C:\temp\Movie\SystemsMonitor.exe"; user = "NetworkService"; password = "1gn0red" };
We can then make a script that uses these settings like so:
Write-Host $version
Write-Host "Importing configuration settings"
. $PSScriptRoot\Configuration.ps1
Write-Host $version
WARNING Note that line 1 won't work because the variable hasn't been defined yet. PowerShell doesn't look forward through a file - functions and variables must be declared before being used. Line 3 is called dot sourcing. It's as if the other script file had been copied and pasted into that line. It's more neat to make your script libraries into standalone reusable modules, but we'll get to that later.
Let's look at a basic function and its use:
function Get-ValueOrUseDefault($message, $default)
$input = Read-Host $message
if ($input -eq $null) { return $default }
if ($input -eq "") { return $default }
return $input
$scheduledTaskUser = "Richard"
$scheduledTaskUser = Get-ValueOrUseDefault ("Enter the user to run scheduled tasks as, or push enter to use the default value '" + $scheduledTaskUser + "'") (scheduledTaskUser)
Functions work as you'd expect except for a couple of surprises:
PowerShell groups code for reuse by making modules (similar to packages or assemblies in other languages). Here's how to import and use a logging module. Download and unzip this logging module into a subfolder called PSLog beneath your script. Notice that the folder contains a module manifest file and a code file. To make your own module just copy this folder and rename the files and manifest information. To import and use the module use this code:
Write-Host "Creating log file"
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PSLog
Start-Log -LogName PrepareMachineForDTS -LogPath $PSScriptRoot -Level All
Write-Host "I'm in a file and on the screen"
Line 1 will just write to the screen. The module is then imported in line 2 ($PSScriptRoot is the folder the script is in). Line 3 activates it to create a log file and writes further Write-Host output to the file as well as the screen.
If you're not using Windows 8 or the server version you'll find many missing PowerShell commands and you'll have to rely on the standard DOS management applications. Calling them with the correct parameters can be tricky. PowerShell is usually pretty clever and correctly surrounds a variable's content with " " when passing it as parameter. But if it doesn't work put the whole command in a string and run it like this:
$command = "cmd /c '" + "schtasks /create /tn `"" + $ + "`" /TR `"" + $item.file + "`" /RU " + $scheduledTaskUser + " /RP " + $scheduledTaskUserPassword + " " + $item.schedule + "'"
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host $output
That's about it. We've covered the basics of PowerShell and all the suprises for a novice user. The code below gives you a lot of useful functions to create folders, share folders on the network, create IIS applications, create scheduled tasks, and create Windows services. It's quite simple but if you have questions please ask them in a comment at the bottom of this page.
$folders = @(
pscustomobject @{file = "C:\temp\movie"; };
pscustomobject @{file = "C:\temp\sound"; };
$sharedFolders = @(
pscustomobject @{name="movie"; file = "C:\movie"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
pscustomobject @{name="sound"; file = "C:\temp\sound"; user = "EVERYONE"; };
$scheduledTasks = @(
pscustomobject @{name="Run movies"; file = "C:\temp\movie\Go.bat"; enabled = $true; schedule=" /ST 19:00 /SC DAILY " };
$windowsServices = @(
pscustomobject @{name="Monitor movie"; file = "C:\temp\movie"; user = "NetworkService"; password = "1gn0red" };
$virtualDirectories = @(
pscustomobject @{name="MovieSite"; file="C:\temp\movie\webapp"; user="NetworkService"; password = "1gn0red"; authentication="Windows" };
# The line below ensures we have correct version, it is not just a comment
#requires -Version 3.0
#region Functions
function Get-ParentFolder($folder)
return (Split-Path -parent $folder)
function Confirm-WindowsServiceExists($name)
if (Get-Service $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
return $true
return $false
function Remove-WindowsServiceIfItExists($name)
$exists = Confirm-WindowsServiceExists $name
if ($exists)
Write-Host "Remove Windows service - " $name
$output = (sc.exe delete $name)
Write-Host $output
function Confirm-ScheduledTaskExists($name)
schtasks /query /TN $name 2>&1>null #hide error and standard output from displaying
return $LastExitCode -eq 0 #if task exists exit code won't be an error
function Remove-ScheduledTaskIfItExists($name)
$exists = Confirm-ScheduledTaskExists $name
if ($exists)
$output = (schtasks /delete /f /tn $name) #/f = suppress confirmation message so it can delete without user input
Write-Host $output
function Initialize-Logging
$parentFolder = Get-Parent-Folder $PSScriptRoot
Import-Module $parentFolder\PSLog # allows us to write a log file of this machine setup. sourced from:
Start-Log -LogName PrepareMachineForDTS -LogPath $parentFolder -Level All
function Protect-Password($password)
return ($password | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force)
function Add-WindowsServices($windowsServices)
Write-Host "Creating Windows services"
foreach ($item in $windowsServices)
Write-Host "Adding Windows service - " $
$securePassword = Protect-Password $item.password
$user = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($item.user, $securePassword )
New-Service -name $ -binaryPathName $item.file -credential $user
function Add-ScheduledTasks($scheduledTaskUser, $scheduledTaskUserPassword, $scheduledTasks)
Write-Host "Creating scheduled tasks"
foreach ($item in $scheduledTasks)
$command = "cmd /c '" + "schtasks /create /tn `"" + $ + "`" /TR `"" + $item.file + "`" /RU " + $scheduledTaskUser + " /RP " + $scheduledTaskUserPassword + " " + $item.schedule + "'"
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host $output
if ($item.enabled -eq $true)
$command = "schtasks /change /tn `"" + $ + "`" /DISABLE"
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host $output
function Remove-ScheduledTasks($scheduledTasks)
Write-Host "Deleting scheduled tasks if they exist"
foreach ($item in $scheduledTasks)
function Remove-WindowsServices($services)
Write-Host "Deleting Windows services if they exist"
foreach ($item in $services)
function Get-ValueOrUseDefault($message, $default)
$input = Read-Host $message
if ($input -eq $null) { return $default }
if ($input -eq "") { return $default }
return $input
function Add-AppPool($virtualDirectory)
Write-Host "Creating IIS app pool - " $
$poolName = "IIS:\AppPools\" + $
$pool = New-Item $poolName
$pool.processModel.userName = $virtualDirectory.user
$pool.processModel.password = $virtualDirectory.password
$pool.processModel.identityType = "SpecificUser"
$pool.processModel.idleTimeout = TimeSpan "0.00:00:00"
$pool.managedRuntimeVersion = "4.0"
$pool.recycling.periodicRestart.time = TimeSpan "00:00:00"
$pool | Set-Item
function Add-VirtualDirectory($virtualDirectory)
Write-Host "Creating IIS virtual directory - " $
$name = "IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\" + $
New-Item $name -Type Application -physicalPath $virtualDirectory.file
Set-ItemProperty $name -Name applicationPool -Value $
function Add-WindowsAuthenticationToAppIfNecessary($virtualDirectory)
if ($virtualDirectory.authentication -ne "Windows")
Write-Host "Setting Windows authentication for IIS app - " $
$command = $env:SystemRoot + "\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe set config `"Default Web Site/"+$"`" -section:system.webServer/security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication /enabled:`"False`" /commit:apphost"
Write-Host $command
Invoke-Expression $command
$command = $env:SystemRoot + "\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe set config `"Default Web Site/"+$"`" -section:system.webServer/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication /enabled:`"True`" /commit:apphost"
Write-Host $command
Invoke-Expression $command
function Add-VirtualDirectories($virtualDirectories)
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe unlock config /section:security/authentication/anonymousAuthentication # allow us to make changed to authentication types of apps
C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\AppCmd.exe unlock config /section:security/authentication/windowsAuthentication # allow us to make changed to authentication types of apps
foreach ($virtualDirectory in $virtualDirectories)
Add-AppPool $virtualDirectory
Add-VirtualDirectory $virtualDirectory
function Remove-VirtualDirectories($virtualDirectories)
foreach ($item in $virtualDirectories)
$pool = "IIS:\AppPools\" + $
if (Test-Path $pool)
Write-Host "Removing IIS app pool - " $
Remove-Item $pool -Force -Recurse
$exists = Confirm-VirtualDirectoryExists $
if ($exists -eq $false -or $ -eq "" -or $ -eq $null)
Write-Host "Removing IIS virtual directory - " $
$parameter = "IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\" + $
Remove-Item $parameter -Recurse
function Confirm-VirtualDirectoryExists($name)
$parameter = "IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\" + $
Get-Item $parameter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
return ($?) #if last command was successful return true
function Get-WindowsServiceUsers($windowsServices)
foreach ($item in $windowsServices)
$message = "Enter the user to run the Windows service '" + $ + "' as, or push enter to use the default value '" + $item.user + "'"
$item.user = Get-ValueOrUseDefault $message $item.user
Write-Host ""
$message = "Enter the password for this user, or push enter to use the default value '" + $item.password + "'"
$item.password = Get-ValueOrUseDefault $message $item.password
Write-Host ""
function Get-IisUsers($virtualDirectories)
foreach ($item in $virtualDirectories)
$message = "Enter the user to run the IIS app '" + $ + "' as, or push enter to use the default value '" + $item.user + "'"
$item.user = Get-ValueOrUseDefault $message $item.user
Write-Host ""
$message = "Enter the password for this user, or push enter to use the default value '" + $item.password + "'"
$item.password = Get-ValueOrUseDefault $message $item.password
Write-Host ""
function Add-FolderIfItDoesNotExist($path)
$folderExists = Test-Path -Path $path
if ($folderExists -eq $false) # leave folder alone if it exists
Write-Host "Adding new folder " $path
$output = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
Write-Host $output
function Add-Folders($folders)
foreach ($item in $folders)
Add-FolderIfItDoesNotExist $item.file
function Add-SharedFolders($sharedFolders)
Write-Host "Adding folders shared on network"
$share = WMICLASS "WIN32_Share"
foreach ($item in $sharedFolders)
Add-FolderIfItDoesNotExist $item.file
$command = "(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName . -Filter `"Name='" + $ + "'`")"
$shareExists = Invoke-Expression $command
if ($shareExists -ne $null) # remove share if it exists, in case it points to the wrong folder
Write-Host "Deleting network share - " $
$command = "(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -ComputerName . -Filter `"Name='" + $ + "'`").InvokeMethod(`"Delete`",`$null)"
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host $output
Write-Host "Adding network share - " $
#$output = $share.Create($item.file, $, 0) # the powershell way of doing it doesn't grant rights
$command = "cmd /c ' net share `"" + $ + "`"=`""+$item.file+"`" /GRANT:"+$item.user+",FULL'"
$output = Invoke-Expression $command
Write-Host $output
function Open-FireWallPort
Write-Host "Opening firewall port 8085 for TCP on the domain only."
$port = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FWOpenPort
$port.Port = 8085
$port.Name = 'Movie port has been opened'
$port.Enabled = $true
$fwMgr = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FwMgr
$profile=$fwMgr.LocalPolicy.GetProfileByType(0) #domain profile only
Write-Host "Starting program"
Write-Host "Creating log file"
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PSLog # allows us to write a log file of this machine setup. sourced from:
Start-Log -LogName PrepareMachineForDTS -LogPath $PSScriptRoot -Level All
Write-Host "___________________________________________________"
$scheduledTaskUser = "NetworkService"
$scheduledTaskUserPassword = "1gn0r3d"
Write-Host "Importing PowerShell IIS functions"
Import-Module WebAdministration
Write-Host "Getting all settings needed from the user"
Get-WindowsServiceUsers $windowsServices
$scheduledTaskUser = Get-ValueOrUseDefault ("Enter the user to run scheduled tasks as, or push enter to use the default value '" + $scheduledTaskUser + "'") (scheduledTaskUser)
$scheduledTaskUserPassword = Get-ValueOrUseDefault ("Enter the password for this user, or push enter to use the default value '" + $scheduledTaskUserPassword + "'") (scheduledTaskUserPassword)
Add-Folders $folders
Add-SharedFolders $sharedFolders
Remove-ScheduledTasks $scheduledTasks
Add-ScheduledTasks $scheduledTaskUser $scheduledTaskUserPassword $scheduledTasks
Remove-WindowsServices $windowsServices
Add-WindowsServices $windowsServices
Remove-VirtualDirectories $virtualDirectories
Add-VirtualDirectories $virtualDirectories
Write-Host "Closing log file"
Write-Host "Log closed. Program finished"
# The line below ensures we have correct version, it is not just a comment
#requires -Version 3.0
#region Settings
$apiSourceFolder = ".\src\WebAPI\*"
$apiDeploymentFolder = "\\\Web.Api.V1.Dev"
$configFilename = $apiDeploymentFolder + "\Web.config"
Write-Host "Starting program"
Write-Host "Copy contents of web api folder to dev"
Copy-Item $apiSourceFolder $apiDeploymentFolder -recurse -force
Write-Host "Change dev config file"
(Get-Content $configFilename).replace('connectionString="Dsn=DEV64"','connectionString="Dsn=CLB-DEV"') | Set-Content $configFilename
Write-Host "Finished"