This post explains how to add a directive to a view when clicking a button - as opposed to having the directive in the HTML already when the page loads. This is the directive:
myapp.directive('myappDischargeReferral', ['datepickerPopupConfig', 'dateParser', 'dateFilter', function (datepickerPopupConfig, dateParser, dateFilter)
var _directive =
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {}, //ensure this directive uses isolate scope
template: '<div><a href=""> Click me to go to Google</a></div>',
return _directive;
This is the view we want to add it to when clicking the button:
<div data-ng-controller="myController">
<div id="referralsContainer"></div>
<a class="btn btn-default" data-ng-click="data.addDischargeReferralDiv();">
This is the controller for the view that adds it:
myapp.controller('myController', ['$compile', function ($compile)
$ ={};
$ = function ()
var referralDivFactory = $compile("<myapp-discharge-referral></myapp-discharge-referral>");
var referralDiv = referralDivFactory($scope);
var containerDiv = document.getElementById('referralsContainer');