Here's a snippet of code you can use in your service to alert controllers of changes to data.
It's better than $watch
as it fires only on changes, whereas $watches fire far too much for good performance. The page uses Underscore.js.
This is the service:
app.factory("AccountService", ....
var _serviceToReturn = {};
var _signedInWatchers = [];
//returns a function you can call to stop watching (e.g. on controller destroy)
_serviceToReturn.WatchSignIn = function (callback)
//add the observers to our list
//remove the observers from our list when called
return function() { _signedInWatchers = _.without(_signedInWatchers, callback); };
_serviceToReturn.SignIn = function (username, password)
//tell controllers data has changed now that someone signed in
function AlertSignedInWatchers()
//alert every observer
_.each(_signedInWatchers, function (callback) { callback();});
And here's the controller that uses it:
_stopWatchingSignIn = AccountService.WatchSignIn(updateNavbar);
function updateNavbar()
$ = 'welcome';
$scope.$on('$destroy', function ()